30 Min & 1 Hour Sessions
Private Online Gallery
Access to download all edited images
Delivered within three weeks
Prints can be purchased through store gallery
Mini Sessions
15 minute mini sessions are offered throughout the year - be on the lookout!
Private Online Gallery
Access to download 7 digital images with option to purchase more
Delivered within one week
Prints can be purchased through store gallery
I will travel 30 minutes from my location (Lubbock) without a travel fee. A charge of .50 cents per mile from Lubbock, to the desired location and back will be charged for anything over 30 miles.
Site Fees
If a location requires a site fee to shoot there, the client will be responsible for the site fee unless a different arrangement has been made with the photographer.
A contract and questionnaire will need to be completed by the client at the time of the booking. Please be sure to read through the contract prior to signing it.
Retainer Fee
The non refundable retainer is a fee paid upon signing the contract agreement. A retainer fee is required for all bookings. Refer to the booking site for cost of retainer.
30 Minute Session

30 Minute Session
One location & one outfit
25-30 High Resolution Digital Images
1 Hour Session

1 Hour Session
Up to two locations
One outfit change
50-60 High Resolution Digital Images
Mini Sessions

Mini Sessions
Offered throughout the year - be on the lookout
15 minutes
7 digital images
Special Events
Contact me

Special Events
Contact me
ex. weddings, birthday party, reunion, family gatherings